Today, the harvesting system can no longer rely entirely on human labor. To achieve the harvest target, the use of Transplanters is starting to be commonly used in several areas in Indonesia. The advantage of harvesting using this machine, apart from helping to accelerate the harvest, is that several types of these Harvester machines have allowed users to carry out other work processes, namely threshing rice from the stems or thresher and also pcakaging.
PT. TRIMITRA SUKSES BERSAMA provides several types and models of harvesting machines or harvesters, including:
This type of harvesting machine can be categorized as half modern harvest, because their operation sytem is still combine modern and traditional system. This machine is suitable for use On land that is not too big, still affordable by walking. Functions are for harvest, threser and packing.
The machine is equipped with sturdy wheels, strong motors that help ease the operation of the machine.
Reaper can be categorized as a traditional harvester type. The work capacity is less rapid and suitable for use by farmers. Unlike the other types of harvester, the function of this tool is only up to cut the rice to the ground. The threshing and packaging process can not be facilitated by this machine.
The excess, the use of this machine is more flexible to reach certain points that are unlikely to be reached by larger engines.
This Harvester machine is better known today the it's named Combine Harvester. This machine is designed using the motor with the concept of work, harvest, fall and packing. The use of this machine is only suitable for wetland conditions that form a vast expanse, thus allowing machine mobilization. Using Combine Harvester can reduce loses or level of kehilanggan much better than the type of mini harvester or Reaper.
Fuel-efficient and durable. Engine speed and mobilization can be adjusted.