Who We Are

PT. TRIMITRA SUKSES BERSAMA is a provider of agricultural machinery that covers agricultural handling needs from pre to post harvest. We present with the most appropriate technology and in accordance with agricultural conditions in Indonesia. So your investments use our products, effectively and efficiently.

What We Do

In addition to product sales, PT. TRIMITRA SUKSES BERSAMA Also do the installation and service machine. In addition we provide after sales service with the availability of spare parts of various types of machines that we marketed. It is important to remember that the machine must work optimally to stay productive.

Our Solution

PT. TRIMITRA SUKSES BERSAMA Assist you to save agricultural result, especially reducing loses from crops. With a drying machine product, you can dry the harvest without depending on the weather or rain. So the quality of the commodity is guaranteed.

“The condition and potential of Indonesias big farm should be grateful and proud. However, agricultural mechanization is an Adult step to absorb and utilize these results as optimally as possible. Mechanization is a major effort that must be realized to establish the continuity of the agricultural sector development chain, without proper mechanization we are like building a house, without a strong foundation of the foundation.”

Raswin Widjaja, MBA


Our Products

Grain Dryer

Dryer is a machine that functions to reduce the moisture content of grain from wet to reach a certain desired moisture content.

Husk Burner

Husk Burner or Husk Furnace that we offer consists of various capacities.

Rice Milling Unit

Rice Milling Unit or Rice Milling Machine is the integration of several machines and their respective functions to process rice into rice with the desired quality.

Weighing Packaging, Vacuum

The process of weighing and packaging using a Weighing Machine is an important component as the final process of a production.

Color Sorter

Color Sorter or color sorting machine is a solution for you to achieve higher selling points and business profits.

Tester/Lab Equipment

Nitrogen Analyzer, Digest Stove, Aflatoxin Meter, Mini Grader and other Tester and Lab Equipment products.


Storing materials and a deferral system that can maintain price stability or increase profits.

Rice Nursery

Rice Nursery is a series of machines used for seeding systems through the media tray.

Food & Woof Processing

A commodity will have more selling value if the commodity is processed. Rice will be more expensive if it has become rice.


Today, the harvesting system can no longer rely entirely on human labor.

Other Products

Rubber Roller, Dock Suction Machine, XYL Mobile Unloader and other effective and efficient machines.


"Become the most professional, innovative Agricultural Machinery and Machinery provider and contribute to the advancement of the agricultural sector in Indonesia."


Provide farming machine of maximum yield, effective, and according to requirement, climate condition, geography and culture of Indonesia.

Providing the best after sales service and customer service so as to create and maintain Customer Satisfaction (customer satisfaction).

Creating Good Customer Experience (good experience with consumers) by taking care of their needs and preparing friendly service, as well as potential human resources that are ready to help.

Always Consistent to assist business and government actors in designing and constructing agricultural processing plants (such as Rice Milling Units, Processing Corn and Feed, Food Processing, Seeding and others). Both in the form of ideas and efforts to bring innovative agricultural processing technology.

Participate to prepare farmers and business actors and sectoral government in facing the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA), especially in the field of agriculture. This form of participation can be realized in various forms of cooperation, research, facilitation and discussion open to every party in need.